Holistic Path for Wellness SERVICES
You can also call Holistic Path for Wellness to schedule an appointment at 541-621-7266
Karen Parnell Himalayan Chakra Singing Bowl Practitioner.
Call 541-621-7891 to schedule a private session.
My private practice, Orenda Energy Arts, is located inside Holistic Path for Wellness in Medford. I offer private, individual and couples sessions. I am a Teacher-Certified Himalayan Chakra Singing Bowls Practitioner, Eden Method Practitioner /Teacher. I have trained in different healing modalities, including Reiki, Pranic Healing, Shamanism, Applied Kinesiology and Transformational Life Coaching.
My biggest dream, with integrative health, is to offer the powerful health benefits of the singing bowls, meditations and energy medicine to the members of our local community. Through my practice we can increase your personal awareness, help you become self-empowered, increase your energy, improve sleep, relieve pain and reduce your stress.
I offer group singing bowls meditations at Holistic Path for Wellness every First & Third Friday at 1pm, 4pm & 7pm and also the same Saturdays at 10am. I work closely with Holistic Path for Wellness to provide integrative health care to the Rogue Valley Community.
Register for my Singing Bowl Meditations online at "Classes".
Emotional Support & Therapy for your pet
Schedule Appointment here
Ernie Flores - Shamanic Practitioner
I've lived here in the Rogue Valley since 2000 and have a strong connection with Mother Nature. I have bachelors degree in psychology from UC Santa Barbara and a masters degree in counseling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, with over 25 years of experience working as a therapist.
Since I was young, I had a passion for exploring the connection between healing and altered state of consciousness such as dreams, meditation, breath-work, yoga, sound vibrations, and shamanism. In 2021, I was guided from within to complete an accredited certification training program to learn the foundational skills for shamanic healing practices. I got to experience first hand how powerful the healing potential was and it transformed my life. This shamanic healing works on a deep level.
Shamanism is the most ancient form of healing on Earth. This Earth based medicine acknowledges the spirit in all life and that we are not separate from nature, but a part of it. It is nondenominational and is a spiritual practice. This practice includes shamanic journeys, which are guided meditations, while listening to live drumming which supports a person being in an altered state of consciousness.
The shamanic journey is a path to connect with yourself in a deeper way and to connect with your spiritual helpers and benevolent ancestors for the purposes of healing.
The most common journey is the ancient art of soul retrieval. Soul loss can occur when we experience a traumatic event and a fragment or aspect of ourself goes away. We naturally do this as a protective mechanism in order to survive difficult events. A soul retrieval is a shamanic journey to recover what was lost and to bring it back to this current time and place within yourself. After this, people often report feeling more connected to themself, regained sense of purpose, more energy, and more internal resources to navigate your life with.
I also offer these other shamanic journeys: ancestral lineage healing, meeting your totem animal, cord cutting, and energy clearing. These journeys have a profound affect on healing emotional issues, medical issues, and relationship issues. I’m offering these shamanic journeys through workshops and individual sessions.
What you can expect:
Our first individual session will be gathering information to understand your needs and the best approach to use. You will be laying down on a massage table during the shamanic journey. I’ll be guiding you on the journey while drumming. We will debrief and talk about the highlights of the journey and how to integrate this into your life. Each time you do a journey, you become more familiar with the process, the inner terrain and more comfortable, which allows you to make more progress. For best results, consider a package of 5 sessions.
Contact me with any questions: ernie@floresshamanichealing.
See my website at Flores Shamanic Healing for more information.
Shelley Brechtel is a certified women’s empowerment & health coach, certified sound healer & breathwork facilitator, ceremonialist, tuning the biofield practitioner, tantric dance guide & more!
Kaila Rose Brechtel is a certified sensual somatic facilitator, women’s health/empowerment coach, venusian rose ceremonialist, breathwork & sound guide & more!
30 min Massage - $50, 60 min Massage - $80, 90 min Massage -$110, 120 min Massage - $140
Therapeutic • Swedish • Deep Tissue • Myofascial Release • Trigger Point
I incorporate each modality into my massage sessions depending on the client's stress level, pain and any injuries (new or old), and tolerance for those techniques and pressure given.